necron india

We do not want to lag behind! We want to give our customers a competitive edge over their competitors. And we make our customers to realize such advantage of being associated with us. Our Resources are Our Assets and it is our peoples’ pride.

Working at NECRON is challenging with a lot of self-development and career enrichment opportunities. We make our people face lots of challenging work and opportunity to sharpen their skills on emerging technologies and provide a conducive environment transforming every challenge into a meaningful achievement.

We inspire minds to continuously innovate and excel. And we invite you to be part of our aggression in pursuit of excellence.

We encourage continuous learning & personal development. We believe in building an organization that provides opportunities to develop skills and growth. NECRON IT Solutions is a place where you can participate actively in our success, and with that, share its rewards.

We reward innovation, applaud risk-taking and encourage individual talent and enthusiasm. Your success is our success, and it stems from the dedication, creativity, collaboration and entrepreneurial spirit of each and every member of our team.

We aspire to be a global software company and we strive to be the preferred employer. Our endeavor is to provide a workplace with world-class infrastructure and facilities and provide a congenial atmosphere that encourages our teams to deliver quality and achieve customer satisfaction.