necron india

We build both careers and organizations. Our searches are not chance driven but are founded in the reliable strategy of ‘relationship building’ and ‘robust knowledge base’. Accuracy, precision, scientific methodology and resourcefulness are desirable traits and all search firms would mandate them. However, as the leader of the Executive Search market in India, our responsibility outreaches the precincts of these values. Our responsibility is to understand the client’s business needs, and to accurately sight leadership qualities in candidates.

Too often, companies make critical hiring, promotion and development decisions based on inadequate, incomplete and undependable information. Our assessment approach provides accurate and objective information about key players’ strengths and weaknesses that enable organizations to make thoughtful, informed leadership decisions. These insights can point to development needs for individual executives, reveal opportunities to improve executive team effectiveness and help make distinctions between CEO finalist candidates.

Our business model is unique and unprecedented in the Indian market. It makes sure that our interests are aligned to the interests of our clients both morally and monetarily.

necron india Our assessment experts work with clients to accurately assess senior executive teams at these critical moments, providing the insights needed to ensure the right executives are in the right roles today and offering the developmental recommendations to make sure future leaders are prepared for the challenges ahead.

Our multi-method approach to assessing senior-level executives is the most comprehensive and predictive of leadership success. As a result, we are able to deliver actionable information about executive strengths, limitations and risks.

We combine an evaluation of business and functional competencies and rigorous referencing with our proprietary measurement of  — the specific set of cognitive skills that enable superior executive performance.

As a global leader in CEO and board director recruitment, we have long-standing relationships with, and knowledge of, the world’s top talent and unmatched insight into the qualities necessary for exceptional leadership

necron india Retained Search

Many a times a client is in two minds on whether he should partner a retained search firm or a firm with a contingent business model. Contingent search puts into question many of the professional tenets that are core to the practice of executive search such as confidentiality, exclusivity and professionalism. Retained search guarantees unwavering commitment and mutual trust which is critical for leadership searches. A retained search firm allocates dedicated resources to every search which help in a professional scan of the market and adherence to timelines. Moreover once a client has exclusively partnered with a retained search firm he is not tempted to hire multiple firms for the same search which otherwise create confusion in the market and affect the brand.