necron india

We dedicate to provide high end Translation, accompany Localization to global clients under the economic globalization, market integration and the ever changing commercial environment. Our professional, accurate and timely services have ensured that we make a good relationship with our clients and we are retained by them for their language and communications needs. Our highly skilled professional translators are qualified, bilingual native speakers. They are selected based on their experience and special areas of expertise. Our thorough selection process ensures we deliver a service that meets with your expectations. This enables us to provide you with the highest possible linguistic quality in a current cultural context


Our objective is to provide the highest level of language translation. Each task is carried out by professionals who provide translation that are technically accurate according to your specifications; all while meeting the deadlines and approved budgets.


We help our clients to increase their corporate growth by providing them with the necessary tools to communicate with local and international markets, and with clients of different ethnic and cultural origins. We help break the linguistic barriers our clients face and turn them into successful communication tools. Customer service and satisfaction are the key elements of our success.

Speed and punctuality 

Nowadays business seems to move at the speed of light. Keeping to tight delivery deadlines and maintaining high quality, punctual delivery within a stipulated budget makes NECRON a highly reliable company. However, we never accept unrealistic deadlines, as this would undermine our quality.

Quality Assurance: 

All translation projects undergo a multi-layered process of checks and reviews in order to ensure the highest scale of quality. Our Human Translators with strong expertise ensures highest translation and localization quality as we believe in quality, punctual and client satisfaction.

We specialize in providing document translation services for a number of languages including Spanish, English, Korean, French, German, Chinese, Japanese, and dozens of other languages:

  • Document Translation Services
  • Financial Document Translation Services
  • Technical Document Translation Services
  • Medical Document Translation Services
  • Legal Document Translation Services
  • Patent Translation Services
  • Software Translation and Localization
  • Marketing Document Translation Services
  • Literature,  E-Learning, Tourism and Other Documents Translation